This six week ANZACATA 12 Hour CPD workshop offers an opportunity for art therapists to gain personal and professional insight through an art therapy group process. The constant demand to facilitate art therapy for clients can mean art therapists’ personal art therapy can be cast aside. Art therapy group for art therapists is not a peer group and is not a supervision group. This is an art therapy group exclusively for art therapists to fully engage as participants through the professional and nurturing guidance of experienced art therapist/counsellor Penelope James. This full engagement will also give participants an experiential understanding of the client experience, the art therapy group process and the role of the art therapist. Weekly readings on group art therapy will act as a guide for reflection on these aspects and build an embodied learning of the theoretical underpinnings supporting the art therapy group process.
When: 5th February to 12th March 2019
Where: 255 Glebe Point Road, Glebe, NSW, 2037, Australia
Time: Tuesdays 6:30 – 8:30pm
Cost: $450.00
Enquiries: 0438 352 399
Penelope James has over twenty years of experience devising and facilitating therapeutic creative expression groups.